Three Days of No School

I was behind on updating my blog post, so God gave me a snowstorm to shut my internet down! Plus, the power in Sierra’s school was out for the third day! Good thing I can write my blog post using paper and pen!!

Most days I am struggling to get to all of my necessary tasks and my time is so busy. Today I have my chili dinner cooking on low on the stove while I write this. Sometimes the Universe is clear and tells us to slow down and enjoy our at home blessings.


Hear my interview by Cynthia Ellis on LadiesChitChatClub podcast called There is More starting Friday March 15, 2019.

In this interview you will hear how the very things that went wrong for me brought me to a closer relationship to God and moved me forward to my path as an author and writer instead of being a CPA.

I have tended to struggle with implementing the concept of living a Christ like life and to listen and try to do God’s will. From everything I write about in my book Woman Plans, God Laughs: My Story of Love, Loss, and Learning to Live Life with Faith  I finally feel clear on this concept in my life. I believe God’s will for me is to plan, organize and take care of my family and to build my writing business. Look forward to more articles from me in various forums. I will also be working with individuals that want my help with online courses and group and individual coaching.

I’m also looking forward to the completion of my audio book which is expected by April. My book is in the final stages of being finalized. Look for it on by April.

Have a wonderful and joyful Spring Break!

Debie Monax